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Veterinary Online Shop:
Blog & Service Articles in Shopware

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Product Launch Campaigns for Veterinary Medicines

CP-Pharma, a leading company in the field of animal health based in Burgdorf near Hannover, has been offering high-quality generic products for veterinarians and pet owners throughout Germany since 1977. With a wide range of medicines and service articles, CP-Pharma has established itself as a trusted partner in the animal health industry.

CP-Pharma Logo

The Recently Redesigned Online Shop of CP-Pharma

CP-Pharma’s online shop has recently undergone a comprehensive redesign to provide veterinarians, veterinary assistants, and pet owners with an improved user experience. The new look of the shop has been carefully crafted to showcase the diversity and quality of CP-Pharma’s products. Thanks to the use of Shopware as an e-commerce platform, the shop is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also user-friendly and easy to navigate.

The Knowledge Area: A Treasure Trove of Information in the Webshop

A standout feature of CP-Pharma’s webshop is the knowledge area, which provides a great deal of information for veterinarians. This section offers scientific information, current studies, and product specifications for each item. In the freely accessible area for veterinary assistants and pet owners, practical tips on animal health and insights into disease causes and treatment measures for beloved pets can be found. By integrating service materials such as dosage tables, diagnostic diagrams, and therapy schedules within the product offerings, the webshop becomes a valuable resource for veterinary practice. Some sections are visible only to registered professionals to comply with the legal requirements of the Medicinal Products Advertising Act.


Shop Blog- bzw. Wissensbeiträge für Tierärzte, Tierhalter und Informationen zu Wirkstoffen und Produkten, Referenz CP Pharma

The Knowledge Area: A Treasure Trove of Information in the Webshop

A standout feature of CP-Pharma’s webshop is the knowledge area, which provides a great deal of information for veterinarians. This section offers scientific information, current studies, and product specifications for each item. In the freely accessible area for veterinary assistants and pet owners, practical tips on animal health and insights into disease causes and treatment measures for beloved pets can be found. By integrating service materials such as dosage tables, diagnostic diagrams, and therapy schedules within the product offerings, the webshop becomes a valuable resource for veterinary practice. Some sections are visible only to registered professionals to comply with the legal requirements of the Medicinal Products Advertising Act.


Focus on Product Innovations and Veterinary Specialist Information

The CP-Pharma webshop is promptly updated when new products are  launched, ensuring that the expanded product portfolio is immediately available for ordering to meet the needs of veterinarians and their clientele. Comprehensive technical information on each product is available to users, so that they can make the right decisions when treating animals.. Whether it’s new medications or information on existing products, the CP-Pharma webshop provides a comprehensive overview of the entire product range.

CP-Pharma Shop Blog Trilotab Keyvisual
Darstellung Produkt Balsam für gereizte Haut mit Honig, CP Pharma Referenz
Tierhalterinformation Somerekzem Ablaufdiagramm Referenz CP Pharma
Tierhalterinformation Grafik Entwurmungspass Hund Entwicklungszyklus Fuchsbandwurm visualisierung
Tierhalterinformation Grafik Entwurmungspass Katze Spulwurm visualisierung
Tierarztinformation PPID Hirnanhangsdruese des gesunden Pferdes Referenz CP Pharma

Health Information for Pet Owners

In addition to veterinary specialist information,, the CP-Pharma webshop also offers a variety of health tips and guide articles for pet owners. From information on hyperthyroidism in cats to tips on elderly care, pet owners can find valuable information to promote and maintain the health of their animals.

Visit CP-Pharma Online

Dive in and explore the wide range of products, specialist information, and services for veterinarians, veterinary assistants, and pet owners. In the Shopware online shop, you as a professional can experience the variety of offerings from CP-Pharma firsthand.

CP Pharma Referenz Shop, Desktopdarstellung, Laptop Mockup
CP Pharma Referenz online shop Wissensbereich mobile Darstellung, Tablet Mockup