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Shop System for Seminar Bookings

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Shopping for Seminars and Training Sessions Like Other People Shop for Sweaters or Shoes

Ease of use, a history that is visible at all times and an insight into the bookable content – these were the requirements that Seminarhelden’s new shop had to fulfil.  The providers of the specialist seminars approached us to create an online shop. The customer journey of the inclined visitor should be easy to understand, stimulating and pleasant, uncomplicated and functional. User-friendliness should be at the forefront.

Logo Seminarhelden
Startseite des Shops zum Buchen von Fortbildungen auf

Colourful and Appealing Design

Based on the new corporate design of Seminarhelden, we have created a small online world of experience for potential seminar visitors. Both the topics and speakers as well as the environment of the events and online seminars are clearly described there and made tangible for the visitor with many pictures.

Personal in Communication

If interested, you can add the seminar to your shopping basket and buy/book it. After that, everything continues to be very personal, as booking confirmations and further processing take place in direct exchange by e-mail. The text elements were optimised according to SEO criteria so that the provider, which is relatively new to the market, could be found more easily by its target group.

Die Übersicht über die Seminarangebote