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Stroetmann Seed Finder

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The Development of a Web App

Seed experts for 230 years! L. Stroetmann Saat offers an enormous range of different seeds in its portfolio. In 2022, we were commissioned to design and implement an online seed finder for Stroetmann as an app on the website.

L. Stroetmann Saat
Referenz Stroetmann-Sortenfinder Mockup Tablet und Desktop

Quickly Find the Suitable Product

The aim should be to make it as easy and efficient as possible for potential customers to find the right product for their specific requirements, as convenience is a very decisive driver in today’s purchasing decisions.

Dreieck Punktmuster 1@2x

Web App and Online Campaign

Our task included the creation of a design concept as well as the coordination and programming of the web app. Following this very extensive task, we were also pleased to be commissioned to develop the online marketing campaign. The clear objective was to achieve maximum awareness of the sophisticated app.

Referenz Stroetmann-Sortenfinder Mockup iPhone-sortenfinder mobile Darstellung Agentur plantamedium.png

Emphasis on Special Features

The campaign was designed based on the primary USP of making it much easier to choose the right seed variety through the innovative app. Other convenience factors such as the unique logistics fleet, which makes L. Stroetmann Saat one of the fastest and most reliable suppliers of agricultural seeds, were also highlighted.